fredag 16 augusti 2019

8B w. 34-44

Hi and welcome back!

Efter att ha arbetat med kapitlets Intro, texterna Reaching Your Goal och How Is It Possible?
ska eleverna:
• kunna prata om/diskutera (fördelar och nackdelar med) vardagliga och speciella prestationer.
• kunna berätta om personer som presterat något.
• ha ett större ordförråd så att man kan uttrycka sig varierat.
Efter att ha arbetat med texterna Humans vs Animals och Our Fantastic Body ska eleven:
• kunna ta till sig fakta ur en populärvetenskaplig text och kort redogöra för dem.
• ha ett utökat ordförråd så att man kan prata om kroppen och dess funktioner

Bildresultat för pushing your limits quotes

week                        Thursday                                                      Friday
w. 34
1. Code of conduct
2. The planning: Pushing your limits
3.  EPA:Set your goals: make a list of successful strategies for learning. 
4. Pair up and compare. Agree on the three most important strategies. 
5. Share with the class (post-it)
6. Hand out the books 
Starting year 8: Setting your goals
1. classroom: writing
2. Hand out books
3. Practice the words
1.Textbook: Read the text p.8-9
2.Do the Listening exercise 
3. 1-2-all
In pairs answer the questions p. 9. Look at the pictures: where were the pictures taken?
1. Reaching your goals p 14-15 read in groups of 4
2. Do the after reading, p.15. together in your group
3. Cafe´: Now pretend you are the character from the text. you and the other three are sitting down drinking coffee and discussing your goals and achievements. -Be your character, take turns, ask each other questions. 
4. Engvid Nouns in plurals
5. Wb. Grammar: 116-118
7. Practice the words: 
1. Läxkoll

2. Pushing the limits Tb p.12. 
Use the questions at page 12 to discuss what pushing the limits means to you. (1, 2, all)
3. Listen to Lindsey p. 12 Tb
4. Listen to Laura G. p.10 Wb
5. Workbook, p 7-9: A, B, C, D and E
1. How is it Possible p 16-17
Check your reading 1 and 2, and phrases
2. Wb p. 11 A and C  individually. 
3. B (1, 2, all. ) 
Together in class go over p. 114 before we start writing. 
1. Now you're writing p.13 Wb (individually)to

2. if your done ... go over the vocabulary from w. 34-38
3. Practice the words for this week

Homework check:

Today we will do part 21. Go over how to give feedback to someone's text, p. 115 Wb

Swap texts with a friend and give feedback using the toolbox
 Peek of the week
1. Video
2. GoogleClassroom

 .  1. Read the text Human vs Animals p. 19-21
2.Discuss number 2 after reading p.21 Tb (groups of 4) use
3. Check your reading 1-2, and grammar track 1-2
1.Recap from last week:
2.Listen G p.17 Wb
3. work in Workbook p. 14-17 do
      A, B, C, D, F

     if you're done E p. 16
1. Our Fantastic Human Body, p 22-25,  Listen to the text
2.  Do the after reading
         3.  Practice the words
1. Body idioms .
2.Idioms: Do D and E together p. 20 Wb
3. WB 18-20: A-C, indiuvidually
4. check your reading 1-2 (our fantastic human body)
5. if you're done rehears all vocab from week 35-41. 

* Sb I admire and Peek of the week: Nelson Mandela: go to classroom and read your comments!
1. Wb p 21 Listening F
1. Accents: AmE vs BrE
Trump Vs May

2.Girl on a Bus: AmE and BrE p. 26 Tb + wb p. 23.

3. Grammar: The pluralform of the Noun p. 116-118wb

4.grammar plurals

If you're done: 14 min, differences between a spoken general American accent and standardised British English
     Grammar continue with the plural form of the noun
     Prep for test 
Prep for test

If you're done
Memory magic


U.S Election: Becoming the President

Vocab practice:

How America elects:How can be president? (1,26)

How America Elects: U.S Political Parties (1,22)

How America elects: Polls and Debates (1,29)

How America elects: General Election Day (1,26)

Electing a US President in Plain English (3:42)


Notes: Becoming a President – gå igenom

US Election

US Election

The way to the White House

U.S. Elections: The Road to the White House (1:13)


Notes: Road to the White House

Election Timeline (tidslinje)

Election Day – Why a Tuesday? (1:44)


The Electoral College (5:21)


The Electoral College notes to the film

True or False?

Struktur för parsamtal: Sant eller Falskt? Röda/Gröna papper



w. 45

Difference between BrE and AmE:

9B week 34-51

Hi and welcome back! 

These couple of weeks we shall immerse in your upcoming selection for high school/ secondary school. I hope this will be meaningful for all of you. 

I kapitlet Teen Life får eleverna bland mycket annat: 
• diskutera sitt framtida val av utbildning och utöka sitt ordförråd kring detta. 
• läsa en undersökning om attityder kring olika yrken. 
• prata och skriva kring viktiga ungdomsfrågor. 
• läsa populärvetenskaplig text. 
• läsa skönlitterär text.

                 Monday                                                                    Friday
Week 34
1. Code of Conduct
2. Ping-pong ( summer)
3. Interview a friend:
-The best thing this summer was...
-The worst thing this summer was...
4. Setting your goals: Make a list of the most important strategies to become a successful learner. Compare with a friend and agree on the three most important ones.
5. Post-it

1. Google classroom: My Goals for this year: write it and hand it  (I'll keep it in your file)

2. The new theme: the planning
3. handing out books
4. The school system in a simplified version both in  AmE and BrE

1) Starter: Tb p. 14:1-2 
My Choice Tb p. 16-19 
2) Take turns reading it in pairs - retell it using your own words
3) Answer the questions in Tb p. 19 
4)  Wb. p.10:A 1, 2 (stencil) 

Homework for next week: words p. 16-19 

6. X-tra Readtheory
Homework check

1) Talking in small groups 
Wb p. 13: F:1 -3 (EPA) 
first work individually for a few minutes, then work in groups of 4 and share your opinion with your group. finally be ready to share something you all could agree on and something you disagreed on. 

2) Voc 
Wb. p. 11:B  p. 12:D, E 

3) Wb Grammar pg. 118-119

4)  16+17

4) Go over the answers: Wb A, B, D + p 118-119 

1) Listen  
Wb p. 14:H 
2) Write 
Wb p. 14:G  
5) Homework for next time:

Make sure to have keep up with the planning. Anything from last week that you didn't do? - No is the time to do it. 

2. Grammar Nouns: 119-123


1) Listen Wb p. 17:D ( If possible)

2)Teens & Careers Tb p. 20-21 

3) Tolka tabellerna och svara på frågorna Tb p. 20-21 
4) Check your reading Wb p. 15:A 
5) Wb 16:B Vocabulary

*Make sure you're done with all the exercises from week 35-Monday 37.

* I've had a look at My goals for this year: (googleclassroom) and made some comments... Go and check it out. 

1)Homework check:

2) Video: 12min
prepositions: (1, 241)

irregular verbs (137-138)
have a look at p. (164-167) and rehears those verbs

If you´re done: Readtheory

5)Homework for next week:


1) Contractions: Video(22min)
Contractions (53-54)

commonly confused words (41-43)
commonly misspelled words (44)
have/has/had (120-122)
word order: (359)

Word choice(353-355)
word form

2Friendship Matters Tb p. 22-25 
3) Gör självtestet (s 22-25 Tb)– jämför svar med grupp  
4) Check your reading Wb p. 19:A   

5)Voc Wb p. 20:B C

Homework for next week:

 1) Genomgång: Power Point
Wb: would – should p. 134-135 
2) Listen Wb p. 24:H 
3)Small group talk: Wb p. 25:I 1, 2 

4) Class talk – prevent bullying Wb p 25:3
Practice the words:

Mitt Gymnasieval:

Note from SYV

-Groups will be formed 
-Responsibilities/ roles will be handed out
- Writing/ searching for information 

Mitt Gymnaieval 

Writing/ Preparing the presentation 

1. Recap and a Quiz Could vs would

2. Futurum – genomgång listen and do the quiz 
4 ways to talk about the Future(12min): 

3. Quiz: check your knowledge or going to 

4. Wb p. 132-133 (will/going to/ shall)
Wb p. 21 E (phrases/ vocab)



Prep for test
se  Prep for test
Teen life inför test
 New Theme: The US election 
 The US election 

The US election 

US election 

 US election


Prep for NP speaking
Prep for Np with Linking words
Prep for Np speaking
People's choices
NP prep Speaking 
The quality of Life
Prep for NP speakingTips inf Np (Bun)
Mall inför (bun)
Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing (bun andra prat)
"Four in a row"
NP Muntligt test
Movie: the Perks of Being a Wallflower 
A Christmas gift experiment
You’ll now receive a movie report that one of your peers has written. You will respond with feedback, according to the list:
How to give feedback
Movie + betygsnack
Movie + betygsnack

Christmas Holiday

If you're done: visit
Choose something that applies to you to work with.

1. Write about your future
The Future Me

GoogleClassroom :

English from the beginning w.11-18

 the plan 11  Reading Rockets + vocab practice  Step   Top Up or  Upptäck orden 12 ...